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Rene Redzepi zauvijek je zatvorio 108, svoj drugi restoran u Kopenhagenu


Kad je selio i stvarao Nomu 2.0 chef Rene Redzepi je u originalnom prostoru Nome s Kristianom Baumannom je 2016. otvorio restoran 108. Restoran je odlično radio, kritičari su ga hvalili, brzo je dobio Michelinovu zvjezdicu i ušao na listu World’s 50 Best Restaurants. Sada se zauvijek zatvara. Nije preživio pandemiju korone jer se oslanjao uvelike na turiste a njihov se broj drastično smanjio. 108 više “nije ekonomski održiv”.

108 je za svoje vrijeme imao jedinstven koncept. Zvali su ga jeftina Noma jer cijene nekih jela nisu prelazile 10 eura, ali pristup kuhanju bio je vrlo sličan. Chef Kristian Baumann napustio je Nomu nekoliko godina ranije da bi chefu Christianu Puglisiu pomogao otvoriti Relæ. Istodobno je dobio ponudu da kuha na jahti ruskog milijardera za svotu koju je u intervjuu za Lucky Peach opisao kao zapanjujuću. Odbio je Rusa, ostao je u Relæu “jer je to bilo ispravno” i nakon što je otišao iz Relæa ostao je bez pravog angažmana i novca. Onda je s dva bivša Nomina menadžera  Østergaardom Baggeom i Jacobom Møllerom uz Redzepijevu pomoć otvorio 108 i sve je dobro išlo do pandemije korona virusa.

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Dear friends,⠀ ⠀ It is with great sadness that we today announce the closure of Restaurant 108.⠀ ⠀ Due to the negative consequences of the global pandemic, especially the drastic reduction in number of international tourists visiting Copenhagen, we have concluded that it is no longer economically sustainable to continue to operate 108 in the current location.⠀ ⠀ Despite today’s announcement and the closing of this chapter, we are extremely proud of all that we have achieved, and remain hopeful for a future where Restaurant 108 will return to Copenhagen in another location.⠀ ⠀ “I wish to thank every member – past and present – of our incredible team, for helping make 108 a truly special place. I would not have come so far or achieved so much without you. I also wish to thank our guests and our friends within local and international food media, as well as those at The White Guide, Michelin and World’s 50 Best Restaurants, for their many years of support – I am forever grateful to you all.”⠀ ⠀ Says Kristian Baumann, Headchef and co-owner of Restaurant 108⠀ ⠀ The final day of service will be Wednesday, September 30th, 2020.⠀ ⠀ Despite the closure of Restaurant 108, the operating company behind 108 will remain in force, and thus a bankruptcy is avoided, so no one will lose money on this decision, which is of course very important to us.⠀ Kristian Baumann will step down as a co-owner, but the remaining partners will open a new restaurant concept in the current location later this year that better matches the current market conditions.⠀ ⠀ We look forward to seeing and serving you again.⠀ ⠀ Thank you all!⠀ ⠀ Kristian, René and Peter⠀ ⠀ Questions and media enquiries may be directed to Peter Kreiner, Chairman of Restaurant 108,

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“Zahvaljujem svakom prošlom i sadašnjem članu našeg nevjerojatnog tima za doprinos u izgradnji 108 kao zaista jedinstvenog mjesta. Bez vas ne bi dogurao do ovdje niti bi postigao što je postigao. Zahvaljujem i našim gostima i prijateljima u lokalnim i međunarodnim medijima, uključujući onima u The White Guideu, Michelinu i World’s 50 Best Restaurants, koji su nas godinama podržavali, zauvijek smo vam zahvalni, napisao je chef Kristian Baumann u objavi na Instagramu, koju je potpisao s Kristian, Rene i Peter. 

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Rene Redzepi zauvijek je zatvorio 108, svoj drugi restoran u Kopenhagenu

by Kult Plave Kamenice time to read: 3 min