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Vukovi s Wall Streeta naručili Mouton od 2000$, konobar im greškom donio pinot od 18 dolara. Nisu primijetili razliku


U njujorški restoran Balthazar na večeru su došli jedan bračni par i jedno društvo financijaša s Wall Streeta. Smjestili su ih stol do stola. Par je uz večeru naručio bocu crnog pinota od 18 dolara, najjeftinije vino na listi. Dečki s Wall Streeta naručili su bocu Mouton Rothschilda iz 1989, najskuplje vino na Balthazarovoj listi, koje u omiljenoj francuskoj braseriji u SoHou košta 2000 dolara. Balthazar je takvo mjesto, jedno od vrlo rijetkih u New Yorku koje uporno odbija društvenu stratifikaciju. Stol do stola sjede turisti i Meryl Streep, bogati poslovni ljudi i parovi koji moraju skupljati novac za Balthazarovo najpopularnije jelo, steak i pomfrit.

Tako su i u Balthazaru stol do stola uz sigurni razmak sjedili gosti koji su naručili najjeftinije i najskuplje vino u restoranu. Samo što je te večeri konobar greškom zamijenio boce.

Sommelier je vina natočio u identične dekantere i konobar je paru koji je htio pinot od 18 dolara natočio Mouton Rothschild, a gosti s Wall Streeta umalo su iskeširali 2000 dolara za jeftino konfekcijsko vino. Najzabavniji dio priče čak nije ni ta zabuna koja podsjeća na neku scenu iz Seinfelda (btw, Jerry Seinfeld upravo je u Balthazaru zaprosio svoju suprugu Jessicu). Najbolji dio priče je što nitko od gostiju nije primijetio razliku. Štoviše, domaćin za stolom s Wall Streeta pohvalio je čistoću okusa jeftinog pinota uvjeren da pije Mouton Rothschild, dok se mladi par zabavljao pretvarajući se da piju skupo vino, nesvjesni da zaista piju bordoški Grand Cru koji košta par tisuća dolara. 

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One night at Balthazar four Wall Street businessmen ordered the restaurant’s most expensive red wine: a $2000 bottle of Chateau Mouton Rothschild. One of the two managers transferred the Bordeaux into a decanter at a waiter’s station. Simultaneously, a young couple ordered the restaurant’s cheapest red wine, a $18 Pinot Noir, which they wanted pouring into a decanter. These two very different wines were now in identical decanters. Mistaking the $18 decanted wine for the $2000 Rothschild, the first manager formally poured the cheap wine to the businessmen. According to the manager, the host considered himself a wine connoisseur, and showing off to his guests, tasted the cheap wine before bursting into raptures about its ‘purity’. The young couple who ordered the $18 Pinot Noir were inadvertently served the $2000 Chateau Mouton Rothschild. On taking their first sips of what they believed was cheap wine, they jokingly pretended to be drinking an expensive wine and parodied all the mannerisms of a wine snob. Five minutes later the two managers discovered their error and, horrified, phoned me at home. I rushed to Balthazar. The businessmen’s celebratory mood was clearly enhanced by the wine they had mistakenly thought was the restaurant’s most expensive. This put me in a dilemma: whether to come clean and admit the manager’s mistake, or allow him to continue drinking the cheap wine in blissful ignorance. Taking the latter route would certainly be the easiest. Also the cheapest. It was unthinkable at this point to pull the real Bordeaux from the young couple’s table. Besides, they were having too much fun acting out drinking a $2000 bottle of wine. I decided to veer from my normal behaviour, and tell both parties the truth. The Wall St. businessman responded by saying, “I THOUGHT that wasn’t a Mouton Rothschild!” The others at the table nodded their heads in servile agreement. The young couple were ecstatic by the restaurant’s mistake, and told me it was like the bank making an error in their favour. The trouble was, it was me who was down $2000, not the bank. Both parties left Balthazar happy that night, but the younger of the two left happier.

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Nakon pet minuta šef sale je primijetio grešku. Odlučio je ispraviti propust konobara, iako je vidio da gosti naveliko uživaju u svojim vinima i bilo mu je “nezamislivo mladom paru oteti Mouton.” Kad je gostima objasnio što se dogodilo, biznismen koji je hvalio jeftini pinot rekao je da mu se zaista učinilo da ne pije Mouton, a mladi par je bio oduševljen. Zapravo, svi su sretni otišli iz restorana, jer je račun za oba vina i večere morao podmiriti restoran. Vlasnik Balthazara Keith McNally, kojega je New York Times svojedobno proglasio “čovjekom koji je izmislio Downtown,”cijeli je slučaj s neskriveinm zadovoljstvom prepričao na svom Instagramu. 

Nešto slično se lani dogodilo u steakhouseu Hawksmoor u Manchesteru, gdje su gostima koji su naručili neko prosječno vino greškom natočili Chateau Le Pin iz 2001, bocu od 50.000 kuna.  

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Vukovi s Wall Streeta naručili Mouton od 2000$, konobar im greškom donio pinot od 18 dolara. Nisu primijetili razliku

by Kult Plave Kamenice time to read: 3 min